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101 (City of London) Engineer Regiment
(Explosive Ordnance Disposal & Search)
Regimental Association

80 Years of Bomb Disposal - Bibliography  BD75logo



      101 (City of London) Engineer Regiment (EOD)
      33 Engineer Regiment (EOD)
      11 (EOD) Regimant Royal Logistics Corp
      The Bomb Disposal Officers Club
      Bomb Fuze Collectors Website
      BBC Peoples War - Sapper Harry Clark 25 BD Coy RE

Army Technical Manual TM 9-1985-2/Air Force Technical Order TO 39B-1A-9 German Explosive Ordnance (Bombs, Fuzes, Rockets, Land Mines, Grenades and Igniters)


German Type C Parachute Mine Birchall, P. (1997) The Longest Walk: The World of Bomb Disposal. Arms and Armour Press London 1997.

Fletcher, G. (1968) Army Obituaries: Major George Fletcher [Online]. Available  HERE (Accessed: 1 February 2014)